Thursday, 29 March 2012

Instagram . . . magnets?!

I love old cameras, there's a growing collection on my shelves and I've just added two old Polaroids to their number (more on the second addition at the weekend!) because the look of instamatic photography gives me smiles. Experimenting with film photography in general is teaching me so much more about the technical aspect of taking a picture than digital ever has and more than that vintage cameras are things of beauty in themselves. The major downside being that there is only one place to get film developed here in this market town, and this place I'm reliably informed, is run by the camera-stocking equivalent of Bernard Black proprietor of Black Books {clip here}. I have a couple of rolls of 35mm film to develop next time I head to Derby, but the mean time is where Instagram comes in handy; free iPhone app with instant results. I'm now at the point where I have a couple of hundred Instagram shots and fancied getting a few printed out to pin up around my desk, a little googling found Prinstagram, but they're a US based company and shipping on top of printing was going to cost about £25. I then found UK company Stickygram. Suddenly the idea of my photos on a little sheet of magnets blasted prints out of the water!

I didn't expect to be wowed at the 'hold paper to fridge' power and I wasn't - they're definitely not noticeboard types - but they are pretty! Very pleased with the way they look nestled among the postcards and peg magnets on my fridge and I like the matte finish and print quality of the transfer. I'm still on the hunt for somewhere in the UK to get some Instagram shots printed though - if you find anywhere let me know.

Thank you to all who left such interesting points of view on my last post - it has been brilliant to hear your opinions on the issue of frivolity and blogging - I enjoyed reading everything you all had to say and it came as a relief that many of you have had similar worries. This post has probably given it away already but it turns out I agree with you! I'll remind myself not to feel guilty the next time I almost write an ode to a particularly gorgeous teacup because my blog is a place to share things I love, so thank you again Clutterbugs (can I call you Clutterbugs!?) you're all brilliant ♥

A P.S - I also now have a Beautiful Clutter blog button, quite a feat for me and took me an hour to fathom! You can grab it from the top right of the page if you like!

Happy Thursday,


  1. I like! What a great (and lovely) idea. They go perfectly with the rest of your items on your fridge (your fridge is decorated so pretty!). I think my poor sad looking fridge must feel very neglected now :P
    Have a great day :)

  2. I love your magnets Jem. Ditto what Magie says, our fridge is very boring compared to yours, but it's stainless steel and magnets don't stick. I must've missed your post about blogging, will check it out now x

  3. Ooh, oooh! How adorable are these?? Wow they look so so nice on your fridge and your whole fridge is lovely Jem and so cheerful and brightly coloured. I feel like mine is really boring and plain now lol. Poppy x

  4. I love the idea of this, looks like the magnets have a really nice printing quality to them too.

  5. they look so pretty Jem, this is definitely something I'll consider doing too.. the only handy place I go to develop photos is Snappy Snaps and they're so darn expensive which puts me off getting too snap happy =( xxx

  6. Aaaw! That fridge is GLORIOUS. Puts mine to shame.

    Also thank you for all your support recently, Jem - really do appreciate it :)

  7. Fab prints Jem, I'm without Instagram but I can admire from a far. You really do have a lovely way of capturing such beautiful things! The crayons are by far my favourite, it's really captured that essence of doodling. The new header is very you too xxx

  8. These look amazing!! What a brilliant idea and a fantastic way to showcase all those random Instagrams! Love it a lot.
    On another note, my husband and I used to LOVE "Black Books", still got the videos somewhere. So funny! :D xx

  9. I love this idea! Instagram pictures as magnets is brilliant :)

  10. oh wow! just amazing! thank u for sharing this coz i really do want to print some of the shots i made and this stickygram thing is so interesting, i'm so tempted to do this, will check of the prices and do let us know also if u find uk base instagram printing company!

    PS: i love all those printed photos held by the peg magnets you got there!

    xx susan


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