Monday 20 June 2011

Mini Thrifty Haul

Just a quickie with a couple of recent finds I'm fairly keen on.  I loved the look of Sophia Coppola's film Marie Antoinette as it was so full of beautiful decadence - it was fairly soon after watching it for the first time that I came across my first piece of Limoges china in a junk shop and, as it was so beautifully decorated with such a luxurious feel about it I started connecting Marie Antoinette and Limoges to one another.

A few years on I found these - I'm not sure whether these two little pieces are genuine Limoges as I'm no expert but they came as a pair and were only £1 for the two from a table top sale so I had to bring them home with me.

I was daydreaming about mixing the plate with some orphaned cups and saucers I have hanging around when a tall man in a black leather jacket (in May?!) swooped in and offered the seller £2.50 for the two.  Bubble burst I popped them back on the trestle table discretely, expecting the elderly lady manning the stall to snappity snap up the offer of £2.50 quick sharpish.  But she very politely refused and once he'd wandered off told me I could have them for £1 because she couldn't stand 'presumptuous sods' like Leather Jacket (in May?!) Man who offer a price rather than ask. 

Leather Jacket Man clocked me putting them into my bag and shot me a dirty look!

The other little buy is slightly obscure one - even for me, I still can't quite fathom why I bought it but it was 50p, an old book and it caught my eye at the time: Livestock of the Farm, Volume IX: Sheep.  Sounds more gripping if you picture it as a 50s B-movie 'Livestock of the Farm: Revenge of the Sheep', I can almost see the sinister shepherd and shifty looking flock now.

B-movie titles aside - hope you all had a lovely weekend!

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  1. SO pretty and it is always wonderful when there is a great story to go with the finds.

  2. Oh such lovely finds ~ and I love the story that went with them! I'm so glad the stall-holder refused Mr Pushy Leather Jacket's offer! Love Brenda

  3. the trinket pot&plate are so nice!could definitely imagine those in the palace of Versailes! revenge of the sheep sounds as thought it would be worth the price of the ticket!x

  4. What a beautiful colour on the Limoges China. I'm so glad Mr Leather ended up in a lather because he drove the seller to the end of her tether (oops, you're not on the limerick forum now Lucy). Sounds like you had a great weekend, and we'll be quizzing you on sheep later - get reading!

  5. Haha, that seller sounds amazing! Good on her for sending leather jacket man on his way. They are beautiful (do i sense a new collection coming on for you?). Scarlett x

  6. A well rounded gel should know her sheep as well as her china - all bases covered now! That hot pink is such a great colour, I bet you've got yourself a slice of something and said "let them eat cake" before now, haven't you?

  7. They are pretty pieces Jem.The old book looks interesting. Sometimes I will buy an old book just because it appeals even if I am not sure why or not least interested in the subject matter.
    Happy hunting for more Limoges :)

  8. Great finds Jem! I had some thrifty finds today too, got to love a bargain! I bought an old readers digest today and some wonderful vintage sheets to use in a sewing project! It is such a pleasure to find something wonderful! X

  9. Well done that stall-holder! Very pretty pieces, especially the pot.

  10. Ha! I'm follower number 150!!

    I'm more a sheep-er than a Limoge-er...but that story is great. Some people just need to be knocked off their leather jackets. hmmmm maybe he used the jacket (in May) to hide shoplifted goodies.

  11. Great story behind the finds! You have a lovely blog, great photography too!

  12. Marie Antoinette is a film I could happily watch with the mute button on!

    Victoria xx

  13. How funny. I spotted a 'Limoges' cup and saucer today in a charity shop. Very dainty and pretty in green and gold, I thought it would be nice for a candle. However, it was £5 and on closer inspection, the cup was Limoges and the Saucer Sadler! Pah!

    I haven't seen the film but must look it out. The first biography I ever read was of Marie Antoinette and I've been fascinated ever since.

    Love how you beat off Leather Jacket man - always good to get one over on a dealer! x

  14. Jem, you always find such beautiful things grr! Should take you shopping with me! Hehe :)
    I have awarded you a blog award by the way xo

  15. Ooh you've just reminded me that i haven't seen that film yet. I must keep my out for more Limoges if it's as pretty as this (and a dresser to store it all in!).

  16. that is very beautiful and at such bargain prices :)

  17. revenge of the sheep? wuahahahahaha!! oh jem, i absolutely adore your plate and limoges and im sooo glad you got it cheaper (HAH!TAKE THAT LEATHER JACKET MAN) hehe...those are gorgeous, love the design and the color is my fave! xx Susan

  18. Oh how kinda of that lady, she sounds lovely! Well done you! Hope you're well Jem!xxx

  19. Pretties...once again. So fun to see your finds!
    Lady Linda

  20. Beautiful finds! And I love the story with the seller and the Leather jacket Man! What a fun post! thank you for joining TTF and have a wonderful day!

  21. Beautiful finds, I would be so happy with these finds and the story that goes along with's lovely! Have a nice weekend. FABBY

  22. I love it when politeness prevails! So happy you are now the proud owner of these beauties and not Mr. Leather Jacket.

  23. Jem, I can't believe this, I have that EXACT same plate! Mine has the crown mark and says 'La Reine' with 'Limoges Porcelain Made in France' and beneath that in gold is A 88. It also has a gold leaf pattern in a triangular configuration on the underside. Do we have twin plates?!

    I'm so sorry for not getting back to you about the rose petal tea - have you had a cup? Just three or so petals would do it in a small cup. xxx

  24. Oh, I always buy old books, they just seem to have a magnetic force pulling me towards them! I make book sculptures out of them, will soon do a post with a few little photos... Definitely definitely following your wonderful blog!


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