Tuesday 14 June 2011

Egg Basket Love

The light was perfect so I had to whip out a recent acquisition and get snapping . . .

Little did I know the acquisition of an egg basket would cause controversy between myself and a couple of friends with one telling me to expect salmonella if I use my lovely new egg basket and another saying that since I get through them relatively quickly (they're all gone inside a week) that I should keep them out of the fridge as they taste and cook better that way.  Apparently there is great debate over the storage of eggs and how this affects their freshness and texture - subsequent googling backed this up with some interesting exchanges about it online.

I'm a bit of a fence straddler on this one - my Mum tended stored eggs on top of the fridge rather than inside it.  Eggs generally last a few days in this house as both T and I love omelettes and scrambled egg on toast so it's rare I worry about freshness and if I think one could be iffy I do 'the test'.

Slightly off tangent eggy ramble!  So how do you store yours?

Jem xXx


  1. In the fridge, but only cause we have too little bench space. I leave them out and get them up to room temperature before I bake with them. I think there is a test for gone off eggs, they float in water if they are fresh. Ours never seem to go off, but then we do get them fresh from the hens bum!

  2. Your egg basket is so lovely ~ as are your wonderful photos! When we had chooks, we used to keep the eggs in the fridge ~ tending to err on the side of caution, as I'm a bit of worry-wart! Love Brenda

  3. I'm an 'on the worktop' egg storer. I've got the room and I bake a lot...recipes always say ingredients should be at room temperature....stops your mixture from curdling don'tcha know?!

    K xx

  4. Lovely egg basket. If you look at supermarkets, they sell eggs in the ambient department. They aren't chilled. So you have to wonder if they do indeed need to be chilled.

    Madison xxx

  5. I keep ours in the fridge, but they look so pretty out on show, especially in an egg basket like yours Jem. And Madison is right...they're not refrigerated in the supermarket are they???

  6. Great photos and lovely basket. Mine are in the fridge but only cos there's no room on the surfaces. Also probably best to keep them out of reach!

  7. Yes the light was perfect for that little photo shoot - they are beautiful pictures.

    My Mum always kept eggs in the fridge so I did too until I began to take an interest in baking a few years ago - and they need to be at room temperature for that, so I started to keep them out of the fridge. (I am impulsive and often bake on a whim so don't want to have to wait for the eggs to reach room temperature.)

    They last for a few weeks anyway - I haven't had a bad egg yet. (I do always crack them into a ramekin first before adding them to a mix, just in case I come across a rotten one.)

  8. What gorgeous photos! That egg basket is so lovely!

    I keep my eggs in the refrigerator mostly because that's how they're sold here in the States. It wasn't until I visited the UK that I realized such storage wasn't necessary!
    Someday I'd like to have a few chickens or at least fresh eggs and keep them in a lovely egg basket like yours! Nothing beats the healthy colored yolk of a fresh egg!

  9. We are 'In the fridge' here, I am pretty sure, that my Mother keep her eggs in the fridge, so I must following her habit! Pretty egg basket though, would be a shame not use it! Bx

  10. It's a very cute basket! We store ours in the fridge but I wouldn't fret if your kitchen is cool- you can always line it with a damp tea towel which chills when the water evaporates :)

  11. Gorgeous pics, Jem!
    I have an unpretty version (no wooden handle) of this basket which is a yucky grey colour (and I love grey) so you have inspired me to paint it white... I have gone off track....
    I do fridge for eggs in summer only (keeping in mind this is Australia and it is HOT) otherwise not in fridge....? There are no correct answers... you do what suits I think!!! After a few rotten ones, I am sure you would change where you keep them!!! X

  12. Adorable egg basket!!! love the photos you took, perfect light, great angle and lovely eggs!! i do love scramble egg and omelette too, and I usually store them in the fridge as hubby likes it that way and me having no knowledge whatsoever abt storing eggs find this interesting! i cant remember where my mom always store the eggs back in Indonesia as we have hot climate and yet, i used to be banned into her kitchen as i tend to mess things up hehe so my guess was probably in the fridge too hehe :)

  13. Now I always thought eggs were meant to be stored at room temperature - esp for baking! Although I do keep them in the fridge most of the time,

    Victoria xx

  14. We get through at least 12 eggs a week here and never store them in the fridge, along with tomatoes they live on the worktop. I get my eggs from a farm where you just leave money for them in an 'honesty box'. You can watch the hens chasing each other, it's so sweet. I followed a controversial diet (not Atkins but similar) and eggs were on the menu every day. It's all about where you get them, not how you store them if you ask me!

  15. Hi Gem I have them on a work surface I would love a beautiful basket like yours to display them (stunning)

    Love Dawn xx

  16. I love these photos! Im a fridge keeper, although have been told by everyone here that they need to be out of the fridge. A lady at work has hens so used to buy her fresh eggs - one great reason to get back to work after Maternity leave! Scarlett x

  17. We keep ours in a basket on TOP of the fridge lol.. I'm the same as some commenters who bake a lot and have been told eggs should be at room temp... What is the test though??


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