Sunday 22 May 2011

Return of the Bargain Hunter

I'd been in a rut the past couple of weeks feeling a little uninspired and unblogworthy (not a word but it fits, haha) when to top it off I received a couple of very mean comments on several recent posts which some of you may have seen before I had chance to delete them.  I can be a sensitive soul at times so it did knock the wind out of my sails a little and I took an impromptu blogging break . . . .

 . . . . . on reflection though, I decided that some people are miserable sods who enjoy pulling others down so 'anonymous' can take a running jump as I'm back and here to stay!  I read an enlightening post on blog trolls by Sarah over at A Beach Cottage which helped - when I found out even popular superbloggers like Sarah get the odd troll it made me feel much better,  as did spotting a poster for a local table top sale in the grocers while I was sizing up some tasty looking strawberries :-)

So without further ado I'll get down to business and show you this weekend's treasure huntin' spoils (mentally added a pirate voice at the end there).

Wedgwood!  Cannot express how much I adore their jasperware, especially in the classic blue and white although I have seen some gorgeous green and salmon coloured pieces too.  Generally you can find me hanging out in a local antiques shop, my face pressed against the glass of the display cabinet ogling whatever jasperware they have on offer.  But as luck would have it Age UK and Cancer Research both came up trumps in the Wedgwood stakes yesterday!

I'm still doing the magpie thing when it comes to all things blue and white; hoarding knick knacks and fabrics to use in the bedroom.  This little trinket dish was the Cancer Research find at £4 and I can already picture it looking lovely somewhere, possible hung on the wall in a little nook above one of the large beams.

The little vase was slightly more pricey at £4.99 from Age UK but still a snip for Wedgwood so was whisked to the checkout pronto.  

This was my only table top sale bargain; what is it with me and glass? I have a problem, I'm a junkie but I like it.  50p from a lady with a full bouffant 'do and Pat Butcher earrings, sounds like a car crash but somehow it worked on her!  It's a ginger jar-type shape but I like to think of it as a biscuit jar a la Lady Sybil of Downton Abbey, delusions of grandeur aside it will probably play host to some dried lavender.

Couldn't pass up an old copy of 'Women In Love' by D.H. Lawrence, classed as a little racy in it's day there was plenty of controversy surrounding the novel and it's predecessor 'The Rainbow' although we'd consider it a little tame when compared with contemporary literature.  There was a recent BBC adaptation of the two books merged into one mini series back in March but I missed it, so at £1.25 in Mind I treated myself.

There's a little gallery type print/framing shop in the oldest part of town which is full of some gorgeous images, though being the thrifty chick I am I tend to rummage in the boxes outside labelled '£1' which is where I found these two little bird prints, one of a Martin the other a Purple Martin which I think must have come from a book at some stage.  

Last but not least was a big, gorgeous old key I've hung at the top of the stairs where the light streams in through the Velux window.  There was a large box of these and it took a bit of rummaging to find 'the one' but it was worth the time, I can't help picturing it opening a hidden door or a secret chest somewhere.  It was £32 for the whole box of about 25 but I'd set myself a strict budget (stupid girl) and stuck to it - small victories! 

Hope you are all well and have been enjoying the weekend!
Jem xXx


  1. Ignore the haters honey, they're not worth time nor effort xo

  2. Welcome back Jem!! I've been missing you! I cant believe some one left you horrible comments, completely unaware, so sorry to hear that, there are some miserable sods out there. Now on to all your goodies - wow, love them all, esp the bird prints, they are to die for! The key is very magical hanging on the wall, visitors will be looking for the secret door! Scarlett x

  3. You are certainly not unblogworthy, Jem. Shocked to hear about the mean comments. Some people are plainly very stupid. Ignore them and they'll go away.

    Love the bird pics and, Scarlett is right, the key does look magical.

  4. Hi, new visitor over via Flea Market Finds. I love the glass jar and the key. I think I remember something similar at my parent's house, I'll have to steal it next time I'm there!

  5. sod 'em Jem,though I do know how you feel,blogging is great but in someways you are puttingyourself out there, it's not nice if people are really negative.constructive criticism can be helpful but being unkind is just rude,youll never please everyone but if people dont enjoy a blog they should just stop reading -simple!


    p.s your blog is easily one of my faves so I'm v glad you're back!!

  6. Your blog is full of lovely finds, is well written and beautifully photographed so I can only assume someone was jealous. And of course some people are just fuckwits! Delete and move on - you've loads of friends here.

    I love bird prints too - those are beautiful and the key is amazing, there's something very Jane Eyre or Secret Garden about it.

    Glad you're back! xx

  7. oh Jem! i've missed you and your findings! i always enjoyed seeing your blog posts and i know there are rude and disrespectful (not sure if i said it right) people out there that are probaby jealous or already miserable with their lives and wanted to drag others to be miserable like them! i'm so glad you're back now coz believe it or not, you're one of those people who inspire me!! that makes me want to update my blog! you've been so kind to me!! i absolutely loveeeee those wedgwood jasperware!! and who wouldnt love those old books? love the cover and the old look of it! yes i know you and your glass hehehe you infected me i fear coz now i also love glass jars! beautiful little bird prints and what a bargain for £1!!! and that key? yes i can fantasize of finding a small door somewhere in the house to use it to unlock to a beautiful eden garden!! xx Susan

  8. So glad you've put the idiotic negative comments behind you. Your blog is so well presented it feels like reading an article from an expensive home magazine. Like Lakota said-jealousy has a big part to play. The key is so dramatic, it does leave you imagining all kinds of romantic settings!

  9. Superb, classy finds Jem. Top notch.

    As for the troll, well, some people are full of hatred and spite and only know how to spew it out in vile torrents. The internet is such a vast place we're bound to bump into the nasties occasionally. And it does make for a bad feeling, I know.

    If it ever happens again you should shout it out and you'll get a lot of support here - which will help you put the nastiness behind you.

  10. I’m with Lakota on this, and we have a saying in our house: “Don’t let the bastards grind you down!” Like we used to day to the kids: “If you ignore them they’ll go away...they really aren’t worth the bother!” Good to have you back.

  11. Beautiful finds. Especially loving the bird prints and key.

  12. Oh Jem! I can't believe anyone could have anything nasty to say about YOU! Whatever it was would have been completely unwarranted...your blog is just so lovely...the mind boggles! It must have really hurt your feelings and now I understand why you needed to have a little break. I'm glad it was only a little one though because I have missed Beautiful Clutter...whenever I come accross tea cups I think of you (I am mostly a coffee drinker)

    I like all of your treasures, but the bird prints most especially.

  13. Dear jem take no notice of those anonymous people they are everywhere causing dramas as their life is so dull.Just keep blogging as you have lots of people who love reading all your posts.I LOVE that key you found too.

  14. would someone leave you a nasty comment? I don't get it!

    Lovely blog hun!


  15. Hello jem, great finds, looking forward to having a good gander at your blog, it looks like just my cup of tea x

  16. The Key is my favorite of your finds. My husband brought home some keys that no one uses at his work anymore, and I can't wait to use them for something cool.

    The Joyful Thrifter

  17. I adore those two bird prints, I collect them but don't see them too often! The giant key is amazing, I definitely would have scooped up the whole box (but then again I'm insane about keys).

  18. i'll say! there's always naggers around, and they leech. do not let them get to ya.
    i've enjoyed your post so much. i don't think i've been here before. that wedgwood, yam! the women in love has got to be interesting, and i think i missed the series too, though i saw the trailers, i now think. oh well.
    i'm loving every image you offered.

  19. Good stuff! Don't let the turkeys get you down! I can't understand some folks... According to my mum, if you don't have something nice to say don't say anything! They should have listened to my mum! Back to the present... WOW love your finds! That blue and white is scrummy, how cute is that vase too?! The key is magical and I would LOVE it! X

  20. Visiting from Apron Thrift and I'm so sorry to hear of the hateful comments. Just let them roll off your shoulders (easier said than done, I know) but don't let it get to you. There are some people who don't know how to be nice. They themselves are miserable therefore they must make others miserable. Sorry souls. On to your treasures. I love them all. I have to say I imagined that fascinating key opening a secret garden somewhere, full of the most magnificent blooms! I love the bird prints as well. I'm a big fan of birds. Great treasures and I'm so glad you shared them with all of us.

  21. Jem so lovely to see you back! There are some awful sods about who really need to find a life. Love your latest treasures. The wedgewood stuff were bargains! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the glass jar. (I'm a glass junkie too!) The bird prints are magnificent and your 'magic' key superb. Thanks for sharing them with us all. :)

  22. Hi Jem,so pleased to see your latest finds.Like everyone has already said, I cannot fathom how anyone could have anything negative to say about you blog!You images are inspirational and your witty manner shines through your writing-hope you are blushing:)
    Love the Wedgewood and key especially,xxx

  23. Ignore the typos above!see I was just so shocked about your negative comments that my fingers ran away with themselves,lol

  24. You have a lovely blog. Don't deprive the rest of us because some fool has poor taste! Love those bird prints. I had some similar when I was a student (stuck up with bluetak rather than tastefully framed, sadly) and you've inspired me to go and find them to show my daughter. Thank you!

  25. Sorry to hear you've had a run in - some people clearly have nothing better to do! Onwards and upwards.

    I love your glass jar, the bird prints are beautiful, really beautiful.

    I also have a thing for old keys and have made up some 'artwork' with some ebay keys :0)

    Keep smiling chick x

  26. Love the bird prints! Thanks for sharing! :)

  27. what lovely finds, really love the wedgewood and the bird pictures and the key is just magical :)

  28. So glad you're back, so sorry you had to deal with unsavoury comments, some people should get a life!

    Anyway I love the wedgewood it's gorgeous and that key is fab! :) x

  29. Screw the meanies, if they don't have the courage of their convictions to say who they are then they're not worth listening to, it's very easy to hide behind the 'anonymous' moniker.

    Great finds, I especially love the jar, the book and the key. x

  30. Hello again lovely Jem, I have just passed The Versatile Blogger award forward to you because I think you are fabulous! X

  31. Yes, glad you are back. So enjoy your posts! Love your finds.

  32. I adore all your finds especially that old key! FAbulous! And whoever was mean to you pooh on them! Some people just don't have anything better to do. xo

  33. I know how you feel. Sometimes I wonder if my findings are blog worthy too..but YOUR finds are most definitely blog worthy! I love the vintage skeleton key. I have been on the hunt for them but no luck! Happy to have stumbled across your blog :)

    Delighted Momma

  34. Hiya
    I’m just sending out a quick message to let people know their Faith Hope and Charity Swapping partners. Days of spreedsheet fiddling I tell you, if this works it’s going on my CV! I won’t have access to a PC from Tues 31st until June 6th – so any questions will have to wait til I get back I’m afraid. I’m going to put up a quick post on the rules before I go, but for now you can check out your partner’s blog and start figuring out what they might like.
    Your swap partner is Shirl at The White House

    Thanks for playing along!

  35. Gorgeous buys! Just popping by to say hello to my swap partner ... :0)

  36. Your blog is SO cute! I adore your header :)

  37. Hi Jem - can you send me a quick email with your address please? I have a (v small) something for you x

  38. The bird print love love. I'm drawn to paper items.

  39. Jem, beautiful Wedgwood! Your finds are wonderful, and how sweet of you to send Miss Tea such nice gifts.

    I'm especially sorry to hear that you suffered at the hands of another suffering person. But I can see that you've wiped the dust off and are back in the saddle - good for you!

    If you like Wedgwood, you might enjoy my February posts where I featured some lovely pieces....I don't have a big collection, but enough to suit me.


  40. OO! Pretty.

    Not sure what was said but ignore the trolls. They're not worth it.

    Madison xxx


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